Sunday, August 9, 2009

Who is your Target Market?

The Biggest Mistake Most Marketers Make

So why small? Because the biggest marketing mistake most marketers make is marketing too big. I’ll say to somebody, “What’s your target market?” The guy says, “Salt Lake City.” “Terrific. If we send one postcard once-a- year to every adult in Salt Lake, which can hardly be called an intensive campaign, what’s our budget have to be?” “A quarter of a million dollars.” “How much you got?” “$600.”

Problem. You want a formula? Here’s a formula. Somehow, preferably by science, by strategy, by demographics, psychographics, but if necessary by personal preference or bias, but somehow, you have to shrink the size of your target market so that whatever resources you’re willing to commit allow you to have big impact. Somehow, you have to shrink the size of your target market, so whatever resources you’re willing to commit allow you to have big impact.

There’s absolutely no point in jumping up and down in the ocean and thinking you’ve done something. You want to jump up and down in a puddle. You can move from one puddle to the next, but you want to work puddles, not oceans, small, carefully selected. We talked about the power of selection of target marketing. Carefully selected, manageable.

Manageable means either they are all in the same place or they all belong to the same thing, or they all read the same thing, or they’re all available in the same place somehow we can affordably, effectively and efficiently reach them. Small, carefully selected, manageable target market set out to become the dominant presence in the target market in as short a period of time as possible. One really good place to start is the internet. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Myspace are really good places to locate your Target Market. Just Identify a targeted group of people, start building a relationship I.E “People do business with people they Trust like & respect”. If you can’t do this then you shouldn’t move on with your Prospect. Add value show them that you care by listening “Remember you’re the Expert & this builds trust”. Then show them how “YOU” the Expert/Leader can solve their pain with your Information product or service. Using this process will separate you from 97% of the people in your Industry.

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